All in a Garden Green: Four Seasons of English Music
1. Spring: Chirping of the Nightingale / Chirping of the Lark (The English Dancing Master, 1651 edition) 2. Spring: John come kiss me now (The Fitzwilliam Virginal Booke c.1618 / The Division Violin, 1685 edition) 3. Spring: Va poco di manera Italiana / Aria Amorosa (Book I and IV of Aires in 3 Parts, 1676/85) 4. Spring: No more shall meads be deckt with Flowers (Select Ayres and Dialogues, The Second Book, 1669) 5. Spring: Ciaccona (Airs Anglois, Vol. 4) 6. Spring: Glory of the West / The Goddesses (The English Dancing Master: edition 1651) 7. Spring: Can beauty’s Spring (Autograph songbook, #22) 8. Spring: Chaconne (Pieces de Guittarre de Differends Autheurs) 9. Spring: Now ye Spring is come (Elizabeth Rogers Hir Virginall Booke, 1656) 10. Spring: Ground after the Scotch Humour (Ayrs for the Violin, Part 4)
11. Summer: Ground in C Minor (from Suite No. 3, D. 221) 12. Summer: Sweeter than Roses (Incidental Music to Pausanius, Z. 585, 1695) 13. Summer: Greensleeves (The Division Flute, first part) 14. Summer: All in a Garden Green / Onder een linde groen (The English Dancing Master, edition 1651 / Secular keyboard works) 15. Summer: Stanes Morris / The Glory of the Sun (The English Dancing Master, 1651/2)
16. Autumn: O Mistress Mine (The First Book of Consort Lessons, 1599) 17. Autumn: The Woods so wild (The Fitzwilliam Virginal Booke, c.1618) 18. Autumn: The Chestnut / Autumn (Elizabeth Rogers Hir Virginall Booke / The Fairy Queen, Z. 629/35) 19. Autumn: Aria (2nd Book of Aires in 3 parts, 1676)
20. Winter: Cold and Raw (The English Dancing Master, 1686 edition) 21. Winter: When a cruel long Winter (The Fairy Queen, Z. 629/31, Act IV) 22. Winter: Remember O Thou Man (Melismata, 1611) 23. Winter: Virgin Queen / An Italian Rant (The Dancing Master, 1702, 1657 editions) 24. Winter: A Division on a Ground (The Division Violin, 1685 edition) 25. Winter: Here the Deities approve (Welcome to all the Pleasures, Ode for St Cecilia’s Day, Z. 339)
Ensemble Le Tendre Amour
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